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Improve your mood by doing chores

Have you ever noticed that after you do the dishes, mow the lawn, or finish any other task you start to feel good. Yes you may be a little tired, but overall you are feeling pretty proud of yourself. This is because being productive gives us a sense of accomplishment. With accomplishment comes a greater feeling of self-worth, we become proud of ourselves for getting things done and contributing to something good.

Now I am sure you're wandering why if accomplishing tasks makes people feel so good, how come everyone always try and avoid it? The reason is because, lets face it, doing the task is not always fun. Too many people dread the work that goes into the task and fail to realize the great feeling of accomplishment that takes place afterwards. That is why people's to do list constantly build up. They focus on the negative aspects of  what they have to do, such as how much time it will take or how hard it will be and allow the voice of laziness persuade them to put it off. Laziness gives the person EXCUSES to not do what they need to do and convinces them that being a sloth will make them feel better. LAZINESS IS THE ENEMY. If you chooses to listen to laziness the to do list of one or two things quickly multiplies itself causing yourself more anxiety than it needs to. That is why it is so important that when you have a list of tasks to do, no matter how big, that you pick one and finish it. Finishing a single task will give you that sense of accomplishment and give you energy to keep accomplishing what you need to do until you finally finish everything on the list.

What I have come to realize is, that IT IS EASY TO FEEL BAD. It is easy to let laziness overcome you and have you lay in bed all day being unproductive. In order to obtain happiness you must make a CHOICE  and be determined to not let laziness consume you so that you can go out and accomplish what is necessary to achieve your goals..

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