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Overcoming Anxiety

We all go through stressful times and there are often days where we have no idea how we are going to be able to overcome the obstacles that are thrown at us, but know that you will persevere. Know it and believe it with all of your heart. Giving into anxiety and constantly worrying about the future will only make matters worse. I understand that you may already know that and have probably heard it a billion times, but you have to accept it as truth.
Whenever I begin to feel anxious or start having doubts about myself and my future, I try to remember that everything happens for a reason and that God has a plan for me. Even if you are not religious, realize that nothing is going to be thrown at you that you can't handle. Instead of looking at what is causing your anxiety as something bad, look at it as an opportunity to grow. Just like the old saying the 'the night is darkest right before the dawn' The greatest achievements are often made right after the time that appears most hopeless. Instead of focusing on what is worrying you, focus on the fact that when it is all said and done you will be successful. Even if an event does not go your way, realize that it is a stepping stone on your road to victory and look to your future, not with anxiety, but with excitement.

1 comment:

  1. God has a plan. Amen! We all struggle together on our journey to Eternity. May we have solidarity in fellowship as brothers and sisters in His holy name. <3
